Team Retreat: Houston

Recently, our team had the opportunity to come together in Houston for a retreat to revisit our goals, learn new skills, and strengthen our team dynamic. Since we work remotely from all over the country, it is important that we build in time to be in community throughout the year. The retreat was a great success, and it left us all feeling energized and excited about the future of Contigo Ed!

Virtual Facilitation

One of the highlights of the retreat was a virtual facilitation workshop led by Cindy Huggett. As a team, we are committed to continuous learning and development, and this workshop was an excellent opportunity for us to expand our facilitation skills.

We learned new techniques for engaging participants, managing group dynamics, and creating a collaborative atmosphere. Cindy was an excellent facilitator and provided us with valuable feedback and insights. You may see us try some new techniques in our next meeting or workshop together! Here are a few tools Cindy shared with our team (also found on her website)

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

DARCI Method

We also used the DARCI method to refine our team processes. This method helped us to clarify roles and responsibilities, communicate more effectively, and establish clear guidelines for decision-making. By using the DARCI method, we were able to streamline our workflows and ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page.

But it wasn't all work and no play. We bonded as a team over meals at local Houston restaurants such as Bijan, House of Pies, and Oporto. Community building extended INTO the Houston community – we shared a new experience together at the Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern Tour – an underground, former water reservoir. We enjoyed the opportunity to connect with each other, learned more about this great city, and we even discovered some new favorite dishes along the way.

Reflecting on the retreat, I am struck by how much we accomplished in a short period of time. By revisiting our goals, learning new skills, refining our processes, and bonding as a team, we have set ourselves up for success in the coming months. We are more aligned, more efficient, and more motivated than ever before.

I am grateful to be part of such a dedicated and talented team, and I am excited to see where our journey will take us next. The Houston retreat was a valuable and memorable experience, and I look forward to our next opportunity to come together as a team.

Jesse Carrillo
Director, Professional Learning


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