CCMR Accountability Updates

There are a few CCMR Accountability changes coming to our Texas districts that we wanted to share.

  • CTE update #1 (Programs of Study) - The transition plan to integrate Program of Study requirements with industry-based certifications (IBCs) is being proposed now to be deferred one year (Note that the transition plan maintains the Completer requirement when fully implemented), though these updates are not yet finalized. Page 3 of the January Updates to Preliminary 2023 A-F Refresh Framework explains the deferment of one year but in summary it is now the following:

    • Class of 2024: earn an IBC plus an aligned Level II+ course

    • Class of 2025: Concentrator requirement

    • Class of 2026: Completer requirement

  • CTE update #2 (Sunsetting IBC’s) - Beginning with the class of 2022 (applied retroactively), TEA will limit the percentage of graduates who only meet CCMR criteria via a sunsetting IBC to 5 graduates, or 20% of graduates, whichever is higher. Per TEA’s modeling, the sunsetting IBC limit will impact a very small number of campuses and ensures that cut scores are not unfairly driven up by high CCMR scores that rely heavily on sunsetting IBCs alone.

  • CCMR cut scores - Beginning with the class of 2022 (applied retroactively), 88% of a district’s graduation will have to qualify as CCMR for the district to earn an “A”. For more detail on the rationale see here (pg 3).


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