Partner Spotlight: Corpus Christi ISD
A few weeks ago our team went down to Corpus Christi to wrap-up our Phase I project with Corpus Christi ISD (CCISD). They are a nimble team that over the last few years has put in place a number of deliberate strategies to improve the college and career readiness of their students.

Partner Spotlight: EPPB
Comprised of a cross-section of city leaders representing various entities across the community – including members from the education, business, non-profit, and religious communities, EPPB’s goal is to encourage a common understanding of the educational issues and challenges facing the Permian Basin community, from “cradle to career”, and to work collaboratively to help solve these issues.

Partner Spotlight: El Paso
During the past few months, we have had the honor and privilege of partnering with three districts in El Paso, TX - Canutillo ISD, El Paso ISD and Socorro ISD.

New partners in Houston & San Antonio
We are excited to share that we are kicking off work with a number of districts in the Houston and San Antonio area.

Economic Mobility Systems
We are partnering with EMS in two of our partner districts, Aldine ISD and Ector County ISD, to support our partners in building out data systems that track and visualize college and career readiness data in real-time.