Partner Spotlight: Tulsa Public Schools
Tulsa Public Schools knows counselor learning and development, and they’ve been refining their practices for years. What has made Tulsa PS successful is that they know the strength of their program lies in their practitioners and leaders, and they devote the time and resources to ensure they have the knowledge and skill to fulfill their responsibilities.
This past summer Contigo Ed facilitated a workshop where their postsecondary access and success leaders set vision and initiatives for the new year. They designed a backwards mapped Arc of Learning that aligned learning and development with vision and initiatives in a way that was timely and relevant through the year. Each month counselors and advisors spend two hours together, during the school day, learning and refining their skill.
Contigo Ed has been honored to be invited several times to design and deliver customized workshops focused on College Match and List Building, Financial Aid, and Future Planning. Each of these workshops were designed with Tulsa students at the heart, and we used actual data and relevant state and local opportunities to make these connections meaningful and accessible. Tulsa PS knows its practitioners are its strength and their priorities reflect it.
To all the postsecondary access and success leaders, counselors and advisors: we honor and acknowledge your brilliance and hard work.
Learn more about our Live Workshop offerings.
“I had not thought about how to use my role to add colleges to a student’s “thinking about” list [in Naviance]. I will use this feature now a lot more. I also found some college resources in Naviance on the student side that I think go overlooked.”