End-of-Year Celebrations & Appreciations

It has been an honor providing you with a variety of services this past year. We believe that our partners and clients are inherently strong, and we are here to cultivate and amplify your strengths. We deeply care about you and your communities, and we seek to lead with curiosity and humility. Your partnership means everything to us, and we would like to share some appreciations:

Strategic Consulting. We work to define the current and necessary resources critical to achieving the client’s objectives, establish interim progress indicators toward their students’ postsecondary outcomes and goals, and create a set of strategic actions that include key recommendations with aligned processes incorporating critical programming structures essential for success.

  • Donald - "Being able to do this important work with so many thoughtful and committed leaders is both an honor and privilege. Every day, we see firsthand so many people and systems truly dedicated to providing the best for the students and their families but needing the assistance and support of organizations like Contigo Ed to increase their capacity to do so. We do not take that request or need lightly but as an incredible opportunity to collaborate and partner in service together."

  • Chad - "As a resident of Houston, Texas, one of my favorite things about this year was the opportunity to partner with a number of Houston-area districts and support their CCMR work. Our work in Houston has meant a lot, both personally and professionally."

  • Marco - "One of my favorite moments this year was our final Phase I presentation for a district in San Antonio. They shared that they were initially skeptical about the partnership because they get offered to partner with a lot of different groups, but that they found the work really valuable and meaningful. Given their team's limited time, that was gratifying to hear. And they want to keep working with us!"

  • Noa - "One of my favorite things this year has been having the opportunity to work across the state of Texas with more than ten districts to help them understand their College, Career and Military Readiness (CCMR) data!"

  • Sasha - "Since joining the team this spring, I've had such a great time meeting the San Antonio based districts, and exploring their CCMR work."

Professional Learning. We offer customized and comprehensive professional development and support in all aspects of postsecondary access and success and leadership development.

  • Rhiannon reports, "A favorite moment of mine from the year has to be the cohort experience we did with a school network in California. I can still remember what it was like being a new counselor and how overwhelming it was learning and advising at the exact same time. I loved how we were able to trickle out our on-demand content to make it more relevant and bite-sized, and I really loved the moments each we were able to come together as community. That day that we were able to address a counselor's concerns about group advising right there in that moment reminded me of why I do what I do."

  • Jesse shared - "We are honored to be able to work alongside partners in education each year. This spring we hosted a live webinar in collaboration with College Greenlight where we shared 5 weeks worth or resources from our on-demand Aspiration to Action course for both Juniors and Seniors. You can view the recording here."

We look forward to our ongoing work and the many celebrations with you in the school year ahead!


Coaching College Counselors and Advisors


June — Practitioner Tips